To access port information and port settings for your Meter Security Appliances, log into the Dashboard and Navigate to Hardware > Security Appliances > Ports.
At the top of the page, you may see multiple Security Appliances listed if you have a cold spare or a second appliance for high availability (coming soon).
Click any to view the port info specific to that appliance. Toggle ‘Show all’ to view the port mappings for both Security Appliances. The images shown here represent the ports and the layout on the back of the Meter Security Appliance.
Each port will be color-coded according to the legend to show the link status and port state.
The table below will show usage statics for each port since the last boot of the selected Security Appliance. The table displayed here will only show data for your selected Security Appliance.
To edit a port, click on the port number in the table to expand the menu on the right-hand side of the screen and select the ‘Edit’ button.
Here you will see the following options:
Label - This will be used instead of the port # on the table.
Description - This can be used to add notes/further describe anything specific to the port.
Speed - Link speed of the port. This should almost always remain on the Auto setting.
Uplink (WAN) - If toggled ON - the port can be used as a WAN port. If toggled OFF the port will function on the LAN.
Uplink Priority - If the port is a WAN port, use this to set the priority if using multiple WAN uplinks. A lower priority will be favored by first-active WAN failover.
IP Configuration - If a WAN port, select how the port should obtain an IP address (DHCP or static). If static fill in the IP info in the fields that appear. WAN ports may have more than one IP address. The first IP listed will be used by the Meter Security Appliance. Secondary IPs can be used for 1:1 NAT assignments if required.
VLAN ID - Enter a VLAN ID if required by your ISP. If not, this should be left blank.
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