Who can add Dashboard Users?
Company Admins - Can add users with any role for any network.
Network Admins - Can add users for the network they are an admin for.
Dashboard Roles
Company admin - Read/write permissions to all networks in a company.
Company admin (read-only)- Read-only permissions for all networks in a company.
Network admin - Read/write permissions for a single network.
Network admin (read-only)- Read-only permissions for a single network.
Client VPN - Allows users to have Client VPN associated with them but does not grant dashboard access. Users are automatically added with this role if they are added to a client VPN and don’t already have a Dashboard user.
How to add, remove, edit, and view current users
After logging into dashboard.meter.com, navigate to settings > users.
To add a new user, click on ‘Add user’ to reveal the configuration pane:
Enter the new user’s Email, first and last name, and choose a role. If a ‘Network’ level role is selected, also select the required networks for access.
Click save and the user will be added to and have access to the Dashboard.
To edit or disable an existing user, click on the user’s email address to reveal the configuration pane again and click edit to update the user’s info. Here, the ‘Actions’ menu can also be used to remove the user’s access.
Please reach out to meter.com/support if you need any assistance or questions about adding users.
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