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- Meter Support
Meter offers a client VPN as a part of our product offering. There is no additional cost to use the VPN.
The Client VPN allows you to remotely connect to your Meter network, from home, or from anywhere on the road.
To add a VPN server log into the Dashboard navigate to Secure Tunnels > Client VPN, and click on ‘Add VPN server’. This will expand the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
The following details are requested:
- Address - The IP address of your Client VPN server. This is the IP address that your clients will route traffic to. This can be any IP address as long as it doesn’t overlap with your existing networks (found under Network-wide > VLANs). Meter Support will typically use by default if asked to spin up the server.
- Address mask - The subnet mask length for your Client VPN server. The default is a /24. This will allow you to have 253 client VPN users. This can be expanded if needed.
- Listen port - This is the port number the Client VPN server listens on for incoming connections. It is recommended to leave this the default value of 51820.
- DNS listen address - This is the IP address the VPN clients will use to make DNS requests. If left blank, the default value will be the VPN server address.
- Default client allowed IPs - The IP range you would like clients to have access to over the VPN. Your IP ranges can be found under Network-wide > VLANs.
- WAN - Select the WAN interface you would like your Client VPN to communicate over.
- WAN failover - If toggled ON the Client VPN will fail over to the other WAN should your default WAN fail. If toggled OFF the Client VPN will not failover, the VPN will also go down if your selected WAN goes down for any reason.
Once added, you may begin adding users.
To do so - refer to the following KB articles:
What is the meter ddns address?
The default label of the endpoint is the Meter DDNS address. It is what is used by the client devices to reach out to the Meter Security Appliance. This address points to the public IP address of the Meter Security Appliance. Whenever the public IP address of your Meter Security Appliance changes the DDNS record will update.
Using this - clients maintain a consistent connection.
Can I add multiple endpoints?
Yes - you can add multiple endpoints. For example, if some users need access to a certain VLAN and others do not - one endpoint can have access to the particular VLAN while the other endpoint does not. Add users to the needed endpoint.
If you have any questions about the Client VPN or need further assistance, feel free to contact Meter Support at support@meter.com or submit a ticket at meter.com/support.
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